"The risk of over-regulating pollution is that you end up killing more people than you save, because if there is one thing we know kills millions of people every year, it is poverty.." Former NASA climatologist Roy Spencer
Climate Emergency!
According to the United Nations (UN) "climate change is real and human activities, largely the release of polluting gases from burning fossil fuel (coal, oil, gas), is the main cause". And "Every fraction of additional warming above 1.5°C will bring worsening impacts, threatening lives, food sources, livelihoods and economies worldwide." The science is settled, human beings are altering the climate. Unless this is fixed now with radical changes to society and energy, the earth is doomed."
[The Paris climate agreement won't change the climate]
[50 Years of Failed Doomsday, Eco-pocalyptic Predictions; the So-called 'experts' Are 0-50]
The science is not settled. According to unbiased climate science, global warming is real but there is NO world wide climate castastrophe in our near future.
The climate is always changing. It always has and it always will. The climate is so complex it is impossible to predict or model what temperatures will be in the future. Remember how the models of COVID predicted as many as 40 million people would die? Almost the whole world was locked down based on the predictions of these models with devastating consequences. On hindsite, we can see how the models were wrong. It's the same with climate models.
[The Goal Is Power: The Global Warming Conspiracy] According to this article "Global warming is not about science, but about politics -- that is, about expanding the power of elites using the coercive instruments of government to control the lives of people everywhere. "
The Forbes article "Why Deaths From Hurricanes And Other Natural Disasters Are Lower Than Ever " on Aug 27, 2020 states that "a total of 2,900 people lost their lives in natural disasters in the first half of the year...are much lower than the average figures for both the last 30 years and the last 10 years."
[Study: Hurricanes Are Not More Frequent or Stronger Due to Climate Change "
Fossil Fuel Elimination
Food Shortages and Famine.
At the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa gave a speech bragging about his country's move toward sustainable agriculture. Less than a year later, thousands of Sri Lankans face starvation.
[Sri Lanka's Food Crisis Is Man-Made]
It's Not Realistic
Renewable energy sources cannot fully replace oil and gas, which fuels 80 percent of this country’s energy consumption. Renewables CANNOT manufacture any of the oil derivatives that are the basis of the thousands of products that are the foundation of societies and economies around the world."The current passion to convert into a world with intermittent electricity is oblivious to the unintended consequences of a world without fossil fuels. The signatories to the green movement have failed to imagine how life was without that industry that did not exist before 1900 when we had, NO medications and medical equipment, NO vaccines, NO water filtration systems, NO sanitation systems, NO fertilizers to help feed billions, NO pesticides to control locusts and other pests, NO communications systems, including cell phones, computers, and I Pads, NO vehicles, NO airlines that now move 4 billion people around the world, NO cruise ships that now move 25 million passengers around the world, NO merchant ships that are now moving billions of dollars of products monthly throughout the world, NO tires for vehicles, and NO asphalt for roads, and NO space program. Looking back just a few short centuries, we have come a long way since the pioneer days. Climate change is important, but so is economic survivability". https://www.cfact.org/2020/10/25/how-would-life-without-fossil-fuels-impact-society/
Electric Cars. In cold weather electric cars have a reduced driving range, struggle to warm up, and drain the electric battery even further.
States like California have target dates for eliminating gas powered cars. In 2020, there were 286.9 million cars in the US. How are we going to add electricity for all of these cars ontop of powering homes and businesses? It may be that fewer people will be able to own cars.
Global food shortages and winter deaths are a real possibilities as fossil fuels get cut.
Green Energy
NO. There are many aspects of wind and solar power that are damaging to the environment. Repacing the amount of energy produced today by fossil fuels is scientifically impossible.
Many of the minerals needed for solar panels are only available in China. We would be giving foreign nations, including unfriendly countries, control over our power.