The Great Reset

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  • The Great Reset
"It is far easier to concentrate power than to concentrate knowledge. That is why so much social engineering backfires and why so many despots have led their countries into disasters." Thomas Sowell

Events that are happening today are working towards fundamentally transforming the western world. Led by a group of elites who are part of the Global Economic Forum, as well as global bureaucracies, business leaders, and political actors, this process is moving forward at frightening speed. These leaders have been working toward The Great Reset for decades, but the COVID pandemic and lockdowns have provided the opportunity to implement their plans like never before.


Economic Reset. More and more power is being centralized and dissenting voices are being squashed. Covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates have been controlled by Anthony Fauci, the World Health Organization, governments, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). They allowed large businesses to stay open while thousands of small businesses, the backbone of our economy, were crushed, fundementally transforming the make up of our economy. They forced mask mandates, when research has shown that most masks do not shield from viruses. Competent doctors and medical experts, who were discovering treatments for COVID, were vilified, some even lost their jobs. The use of ESG scores is centralizing economic power in the hands of the bankng and insurance industry. With this power they will be able to pick and choose winners and losers. The World Economic Forum is destroying free market capitalism and replacing it with stakeholder capitalism.


Energy Reset. Western countries are moving towards eliminating fossil fuels in the name of climate change, fundamentally transforming the availablity of energy going forward. There is no climate emergency. Moving to wind and solar power will not replace the dependable energy soures of gas, coal, and nuclear power. In addition, renewable energy is NOT environmentally friendly. Materials to make windmills and solar panels need to be mined, with some materials only available in China. Windmills kill birds. And these forms of power also take up acres and acres of land. There are already warnings of power shortages all over the world this winter. Have you ever heard of major industrial countries having deaths due to lack of energy? [It happened in Texas in 2021.] Over 100 people died.


Food Reset. Due in part to the cut backs in fossil fuel, fertilizer is now in short supply and very expensive. Farmers will not have enough fertizer for their crops leading to major food shortages and empty shelves. The Netherlands government is forcing farmers to reduce their cattle herds in the name of climate change. According to the World Economic Forum, eating bugs is a way to combat food shortages [ Why we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems ]. Farms all over the world are being bought up by WEF members Bill Gates and George Soros. Bill Gates is one of the largest farmland owners in the United States. Gates and his wife own 269,000 acres of farmland. Today Soros is making a killing buying and selling farmland in South America.

ESG Scores

What are they and how are they used?

ESG stands for Environmental, Social Justice, and Governance.

Environmental measures how well you adhere to clean energy guidelines. Are you using clean energy like solar and wind power? Do you have low carbon emmissions (carbon footprint)? Do you have an electric car? How much do you drive your gasoline powered car?

[The "E in ESG"] *From pro-ESG website.

Social Justice measures how well you are addressing racial inequality and human rights. This means that you can be judged on how you interact with and support socially approved individuals, groups, or ideas (diversity and inclusion). If you support abortion on demand, transgender athletes competing in women's sports, and LGBTQIA+ organizations or Black Lives Matter you may have a higher social justice score.

[The "S” in ESG"] *From pro-ESG website.

Governance measures the diversity of your company.

[The "G” in ESG"] *From pro-ESG website.

ESG scores are being used NOW.

From Investor's Business Daily (IBD) 11/10/2021

And This is IBD's list of the 100 Best ESG Companies of 2021. Tech giants Microsoft (MSFT), Nvidia (NVDA), (CRM) and Accenture (ACN) all made the grade, as well as non-tech companies like Linde (LIN), J.B. Hunt (JBHT) and Gildan Activewear (GIL).

Finding companies with strong stocks and growth needn't be a trade-off with environmental, social and governance values. All of these top ESG companies mix profitability with ethical and social responsibility.

China has a system similar to ESG scores called a social credit system. China’s State Council first introduced the plan in June 2014. The council announced the system would "allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step." It determines your access to housing, education, and medical care.

A bad ESG score can prevent you from getting loans or insurance.

Stakeholder Capitalism

What is the difference between Capitalism and Stakeholder Capitalism?

Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. It includes the small mom and pop shop and the large company that is responsible to shareholders including people who have 401Ks or IRAs.

Stakeholder capitalism is the idea that companies should be held accountable for their impact on society instead of concentrating on running the company to maximize profits.

[Shareholder Capitalism v. Stakeholder Capitalism]

A bad ESG score can prevent you from getting loans.

Socialism &

What is socialism and what does it look like?

Socialism is any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. It is also the stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved. Democratic Socialism leads to Communism, Totalitarianism, and tyrany. Communist regimes in the 20th Century produced over 100 million deaths, numerous famines, gulags, purges, and mass arrests.


What is totalitarianism and what does it look like?

Totalitarianism is a system of government in which the people have virtually no authority and the state wields absolute control. The leaders do not tolerate opposition or plurality of government. There is no freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, or freedom of religion.

Physical force and/or arrests and detentions are used on people who protest against the regime. There are examples of this happening in free countries right now:

  • American citizens are being held as political prisoners in US jails. [Revealing the Hidden Truth—Behind the 'Real Story of Jan. 6'] They are being denied bail and prevented from speaking with their lawyers, some held for extended periods of time in solitary confinement. In a November 6th letter, two individuals held in the D.C. jail for their alleged participation in the Jan. 6 riot wrote, "This is not a correctional facility, this is an evisceration facility, designed to break the body, mind, and soul of men whom are presumed innocent until proven guilty". The letter outlined more than 75 offenses allegedly perpetrated against them inside the facility. The "account of the congressional delegation's tour of the D.C. jail appears to confirm that while the Jan. 6 pretrial detainees experience many of the same ignominies [shame and disgrace] as other D.C. inmates, they are being targeted for especially cruel treatment on the basis of their political beliefs or vaccination status—or both". [Congressional Report Details Squalid Conditions Faced by Jan. 6 Defendants]
  • In Canada, truckers protesting forced vacines, and people who supported them, had their bank accounts frozen and their property confiscated.
  • From Fox news: "A New Jersey woman who voiced her support for former President Trump on Facebook said Monday that three FBI agents showed up at her home last month claiming to have an anonymous tip connecting her to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, despite her having no involvement. Lisa Gallagher told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" that she believes federal agents visited her home, where she displays a pro-Trump lawn sign, to intimidate her a day after President Biden's anti-MAGA speech."
  • People who heat their homes above a certain temperature in Switzerland during the winter face fines and potentially up to three years in prison if energy rationing measures are put in place.