"Whatever the Left Touches It Ruins."
[Whatever the Left Touches it Ruins]
[Why Are So Many Good Things Being Destroyed?]
Destruction of Free Speech
According to Wikopedia cancel culture or call-out culture is a phrase contemporary to the late 2010s and early 2020s used to refer to a form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those subject to this ostracism are said to have been "cancelled". "Mr. Bean" actor Rowan Atkinson compared cancel culture to a “medieval mob looking for someone to burn.”
The cancel culture targets people with differing political views, religious views, or cultural views, even for incidents that occured years or even decades ago. It causes books to be banned. It ruins reputations, livelyhoods, and lives.
[The Intolerance of Tolerance]
The left labels speech they diagree with or speech that doesn't fit their agenda as disinformation.
In Canada, about 210 accounts with roughly $8 million in total were frozen under the Emergencies Act, which was invoked in response to protests against Covid-19 safety restrictions. The Canadian government used the act to target truckers who were peacefully assembling at the capitol, along with their supporters.
Destruction of Law & Order
Destruction of Equal Justice
There is a double standard in the application of laws, arrests, and sentencing between conservatives and those on the left. The left (the Biden administration) is weaponizing federal agencies against their opponents, including everyday American citizens.
"It sends an unmistakable message: We can get you anytime, anywhere, on any grounds we choose. You can’t touch even a single one of ours." [Ben Weingarten]
"The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. In other words, the laws of a state must treat an individual in the same manner as other people in similar conditions and circumstances. A violation would occur, for example, if a state prohibited an individual from entering into an employment contract because he or she was a member of a particular race". From article at https://www.getlegal.com/legal-info-center/14th-amendment-equal-protection-clause/
[Unequal application of justice, law by administration should 'frighten every American']
[Biden Using Armed FBI Agents To Crackdown on Critics]
[Woman says FBI showed up at her home after supporting Trump online]
[25 FBI agents with guns drawn reportedly raid pro-life activist's home]
According to the Republican National Lawyers Association, jail sentences are rare in campaign finance prosecutions. In the conclusion to the article "Let John Edwards Go!" it was concluded that criminal liability for campaign finance violations should be off the table except in the most concrete and egregious cases. Otherwise, we risk deterring not just the unscrupulous, but also those who want to exercise their First Amendment rights by running for public office or supporting the candidates whom they believe will advance the public good. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2012/04/john-edwards-should-not-be-prosecuted-for-campaign-finance-violations.html
Dinesh D'Souza was sentenced to eight months in a maximum security prison for a $20000 contribution to a friends campaign. [Dinesh D'Souza talks about jail sentence]
The Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC falsified expenses during the 2016 campaign, with no prison sentences. [Hillary Clinton Campaign, DNC Fined $113K for Falsifying 'Steele Dossier' Expense]
Destruction of Education
According to US News and World Report, of the bottom 20 US cities with the worst educational progress, 17 have either a democrat governor or mayor and 3 had a nonpartisan mayor.
The left opposes school choice. They send their own children to private schools while preventing low income students from the advantages of going to the school of their choice.
Destruction of Children
Destruction of The Border
Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell Announces He Will Vote Republican for the First Time Ever....
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report used to be a big progressive. He even had a show with The Young Turks! But now he's not a progressive. He has left the left. Why? ....